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Holy Family icon

"Holiness is not the luxury of a few. It is everyone's duty: yours and mine."  ~Mother Teresa


Our Movement


The Movement known as the Lay Missionaries of Charity (LMC) is an International Association of Lay people: married and single who adhering to the Spirit and Charism of the M.C. Family make private (juridically) vows of Chastity (conjugal), Poverty, Obedience and the fourth vow of Whole-Hearted Free Service to the poorest of the poor beginning with the members of one's own family. Remaining in the heart of the world, the LMCs consecrate the world itself to God everywhere offering worship by the holiness of their lives expressed through prayer, penance and works of mercy, after the example of the Holy Family of Nazareth.

  1. History -On April 16, 1984 four lay persons, all married made their "private vows" in the Chapel of the Missionaries of Charity - Contemplative in Via S. Agapito, 8 - Rome. These four were associated with our life of prayer, penance and works of mercy for several years; and then for about two years they studied the document that juts came out 'Familiaris Consortio' (22.11.1981) and then on Tuesday in the Holy Week of the extraordinary year of our redemption the first four took their private vows in the presence of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Fr. Sebastian Vazhakala M.C. and Community and many lay people.
  2. Purpose -Its purpose is to sanctify themselves and their own families by consecrating themselves, their families and the whole world entirely to God after the example of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and practice the same virtues they practised.
  3. Patron -The Holy Family of Nazareth is their heavenly patron, protector and intercessor.
  4. Ecclesiastical Status -As the Statutes were ready, we applied to the Vicar of Rome who accepted, blessed approved our movement on 25th February, 1987. (see in the Statutes the copy of the letter of His Eminence, Cardinal Ugo Poletti of Rome).
  5. Growth and Development -Thanks to God's grace the Movement began to grow quite rapidly and started to spread to the various countries of Europe, North, Central and South America and its Statutes translated into over 15 languages. Besides we have a small prayer book of our own and also many have the Liturgy of the Hours which they pray daily, at least the Lauds and Vespers. The countries -There are LMCs in Europe (Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Holland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark, Poland, Hungary); in the Americas (U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Argentina), India, Macao...

    There are over 1.000 consecrated persons, and several are in formation.

  6. Forrmation - The LMCs have a period called 'Come and see' i.e. to frequent the group on a regular basis, to read, study and reflect on the Statutes, to come in touch with the Spiritual Director and the MC Brothers or Sisters, if possible. At the end the of the 'Come and See' period, the candidate(s) after due dialogue with the Spiritual Director, may begin the year of formation in preparation for their first vows (cf. Statutes Nos. 6 - 8).
  7. Spiritual Director - Each group has to have a priest as its spiritual director who is expected to know the Statutes and the MC Spirit who guides the group together with the group Link.
  8. Structure -
    a) Spiritual Directors: local, national, international;
    b) Lay Links: local (3 years), national (3 years), international (3 years).
  9. Meetings -Each group meets once a week as a rule; if not possible once in two weeks ("The family that prays together stays together") (cfr. Statutes 42b, Nos. 1-9). National meeting once a year, if possible. Once in 4 or 5 years International meetings (?).
  10. International Meetings -So far the Movement had two International meetings:1) Rome, October 5-10, 1992. Number of participants: 109, 16 countries.2) Lourdes, September 22-29, 1996. Number of participants: 175, 19 countries.

God bless you.
Fr. Sebastian Vazhakala M.C.