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The Vows

"...I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, fruit that will last; and then the Father will give you anything you ask in my name. What I command you is to love one another."

(John 15: 16-17)


"The Lay Missionaries as worshippers leading holy lives in every place, consecrating the world itself to God"


8 - Upon completion of TWO full years of formation, the LMC, if considered ready, can make the first yearly profession of the vows of (conjugal) chastity, poverty, obedience, and whole-hearted and free service to the poorest of the poor according to the Rule and Statutes of the LMC.

- The vows are renewed annually with the expiration of the preceding profession. For special reasons, it is possible to anticipate renewal of vows but not by more than one month.*

- The vows of an unmarried person automatically expire if and when that person marries. He/she is allowed to renew his/her own vows only if the spouse desires to eventually enter into the Movement, or, at least give the other spouse the necessary consent.

9 - The formula used for profession is the following:

"In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. For the honour and glory of God and moved by an ardent desire to quench the infinite thirst of Jesus on the Cross and in the Eucharist for love and for souls, I, (name) make my vows for one year [ until Divine Mercy Sunday of next year , or in the alternative cycle, until the First Saturday of October of next year ] of (conjugal) chastity, poverty, obedience and whole-hearted and free service to the poorest of the poor according to the Statutes of the Lay Missionaries of Charity. I give myself with my whole heart to God's service so that by the grace of the Holy Spirit and with the help of Mary, Mother of God, cause of our joy and Queen of the world, I may be led to the perfect love of God, and of my neighbour, and in a special way to the members of my own family; thus to make the Church more fully present in the world of today." [ Signed with the place and date and by both the Spiritual Director and the LMC ]

10 - In addition, the LMCs together renew their vows for purposes of devotion on the Feast of the Holy Family, which they celebrate the last Sunday before the Feast of Christ the King.

The formula is the following:

"For the honour and glory of God and moved by an ardent desire to quench the infinite thirst of Jesus on the Cross and in the Eucharist  for love and for souls, I renew my vows of (conjugal) chastity, poverty, obedience, and whole-hearted and free service to the poorest of the poor according to the Statutes of the lay Missionaries of Charity. I give myself...etc."

*Every renewal calls for a return to the original fervour, charism and spirit. It demands a reflective, prayerful rereading of the Statutes. This is simply because one does not make the vows according to the Bible nor according to any kind of rules however beautiful and wonderful they may be.

Every Lay Missionary of Charity makes or renews his or her vows according to the Statutes and tries to stick to it in all its details as far as it is possible. It is not a formula to be read and repeated annually, but a life to be lived each day with its demands and burdens. It is not one more among the many commitments but it is "The Commitment", because it is an unconditional response to a divine call to be "the salt of the earth and the light of the world". True, free in accepting the call but becomes obligatory when accepted, to fulfil the demands of the call. Membership in the Movement is not meant to divide or separate married couples from each other or take them away from the heart of the family or from the world; no, it is meant to complement, support and fortify the bonds of the sacrament of marriage and family life.

The following then are some of the points to help to clarify regarding the renewal of vows or newly making them:

a) those who intend to make or renew their vows may write a formal letter to their respective Spiritual Directors two months before the date of expiry.  [Vows are renewed on the Feast of the Divine Mercy,  or, alternatively,  on the First Saturday in October of each year,  and once set , spring or fall renewal,  the pattern remains.]

b) the letter must include the date of expiry and the date in which he or she or the group is going to renew the vows or make them;

c) in case the date fixed for the renewal of vows in groups creates a problem for someone, it is possible to anticipate the renewal, but not by more than a month. In case of serious illness one may renew or make his or her vows on the sick-bed, but always with the permission of the Spiritual Director. 

d) those who do not renew their vows by or before the date of expiry are considered to have practically left the Movement, and this is so especially where there existed no communication or dialogue with the Spiritual Director or the persons in charge of the groups;

e) places where there are no LMC groups nor Spiritual Directors one may try to be in touch with the nearby group and Spiritual Director. If that, too, is not possible, he may refer the matter to Rome in advance to be able to receive the reply before the expiry date;

f) to be able to make or renew the vows at least two third of presence in the group meetings, prayer etc. is required;

g) continued or interrupted absence from the group meetings more than one third excludes one from making or renewing vows;

h) places where there are no groups, the LMC can keep in touch with the nearby group and Spiritual Director, and even that is not possible, they may contact Rome;

i) those whose vows are expired and would like to return to the Movement have to do the year of formation all over again, which of course bring much grace and strength not only to them, but also to the entire Movement.

Let us implore the Holy Family to be our continual source of inspiration and guidance and may help us to persevere in our commitment as LMCs even unto death.