Thirsty for God, Thirstier for Man
Dearly beloved Brothers and Sisters,
Gathered here this morning around the altar is not a natural family, but a supernatural one. This is
God’s family. Thevirtue of faith is the foundation of this supernatural family; the virtue of hope its
driving force, and Charity its goal. Let uspray that this celebration of the Eucharist may increase our
faith, deepen our hope and strengthen our Charity.
Before we enter into the real celebration, let us turn to our merciful Father, who is slow to anger, quick to
forgive and rich in mercy. If it were not true, even this supernatural family would have disappeared long ago.
Rule 12 of your Constitutions, we read:
a) “That the Society may more easily attain its end, let each Sister choose the Immaculate
Queen of Heaven forher She must not only love and venerate her, but also fly to her
with child-like confidence in all her joys and sorrows.
b) We celebrate August 22nd as the Feast of our Patroness, the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Cause of our Joy, Queen of the World, with a very special solemnity. A Triduum will precede
the feast.
c) On the day of the feast, together we will renew our vows and our consecration to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary.”
Today then there is a very special solemnity for the M.C.s. It began when you started your novena
for the Society feast,and intensified during the three days of very prayerful preparations on the Spirit
of the Society, and with this celebration now has reached its climax.
Whenever we have a feast or a solemnity, we are asked to take the psalms of Sunday, first week,
for our morning prayer. That is what we did this morning, as it is a very special solemnity for the
Missionaries of Charity. For today’s morning prayer, the first psalm was Ps 63: 2-9. Why is this psalm
prayed on a feast or a solemnity? There is a reason. This psalm expresses in so many words the insatiable
thirst of the human heart and soul for God and for the salvation of souls. Psalm 63 starts with an act of
profound faith and strong desire: “O God, you are my God, for you I long; for you my soul is thirsting.”
Not only the soul of a saint thirsts for God, but even his body. We continue to pray: “My body pines for
you like a dry, weary and waterless land.” The thirstier we are for God, the thirstier we become. Our
thirst for God is like sea water. The more wedrink the sea water, the more thirsty we become.
This was true of Our Lady; this was true of our St. Teresa. Back in 1947 St. Teresa writes:
“These desires to satiate the longing of our Lord for the souls of the poor for pure victims of His
love, goes on increasing with every Mass and Holy Communion.” (MFG, p. 19)
The experience of Our Lady, of the saints and our Mother herself must become ours as well.
This desire, this longing andthirst, is meant to be dynamic. Every time we pray this psalm,
we are meant to renew our experiences of this insatiable thirst.
On the other hand, God’s thirst for us is even greater, stronger and infinitely more insatiable,
as God is infinite. The Catechism of the Catholic Church rightly defines prayer as
“the encounter of God’s thirst with our thirst. God thirsts thatwe may thirst for him.” (CCC 2560)
We see this insatiable thirst in Jesus, not only on the Cross: “I thirst” (Jn 19: 28), but perhaps even
more in the Eucharist. The Eucharistic Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, little by little, not only
draw souls to Jesus, but they makethem resemble Him. Our Mother writes “Try to be Jesus’ love,
Jesus’ compassion, Jesus’ presence to each other and the poor you serve. All this will be possible only if
you keep close to Mary, the Mother of Jesus and our Mother, She will guide and protectyou and keep you
only all for Jesus.” (Mother’s General letter, May 1990 Jesus is the way, and Mary is the one who shows
the way.
Our Lady’s heart and soul longed for the salvation and sanctification of souls. In all her apparitions,
whether in Lourdes,Fatima or Kolkata, invariably Our Lady demanded assiduous prayer, sacrifices and
penances for the salvation of souls.
In Kolkata she told our Mother to take care of the crowd, bringing them to Jesus. Her exact words were:
“Take care ofthem. They are mine. Bring them to Jesus, carry Jesus to them…” (MFG p. 19) If the
insatiable thirst for souls was a normalexperience of all the saints, how much more Our Lady
longed to save souls. It is not a thirst that finishes with one’s death. No, it only increases, as they are much
more close to Jesus. St. Thérèse of Lisieux said. “My heaven will consist in doing good on earth.” In other
words, in saving souls. Our Lady never stops working for the salvation of souls. Saints are close
co-workers of Jesus. The closer one is to Jesus, the more insatiable and tireless he will be to work for the
salvation and sanctification of souls. This is why our Mother worked day and night, wrote endless number
of letters, and made people to join inher train of Charity. The more people share the work and life of the
Missionaries of Charity, the more they become thirsty and tryto satiate the unquenchable thirst of Jesus.
There are thousands and millions of souls to be saved. Jesus’ thirst is infinite; itextends to the ends of the
earth, embracing all people of all faiths or no faith. Jesus continues to demand from all of us: “Will you
refuse to do this for me, to take care of them, to bring them to Me?” (MFG p. 19)
The second psalm of today’s morning prayer is from the book of the prophet Daniel (Ch 3: 57-
88). It is very importantto know the context of this psalm and why it is chosen for the feast of Our Lady,
or an apostle, or a saint? This psalm is acanticle sung by Daniel and two of his companions in the fiery
furnace. They were thrown there for refusing to worship the golden image. The furious king
Nebuchadnezzar ordered the furnace to be heated seven times more than usual. And he chose certain
mighty men of his army to bind Shadrach (Daniel), Meshach and Abednego and cast them into the
burning fiery furnace. Then these men were bound in their mantles, their tunics, their hats and their other
garments, and they were castinto the burning fiery furnace. Because the king’s order was strict and the
furnace very hot, the flame of the fire slew those men who took up Shadrach, Messhach and Abednego,
who were thrown bound into the burning fiery furnace. And they walked aboutin the midst of the flames
while singing hymns to God and blessing the Lord: “Bless the Lord, all the works of the Lord, praise and
exalt him above all forever…” (cf. Dan 3. 52-90)
This is the background of this second psalm for the feast of today. In the first psalm (Ps 63: 2-9),
we saw the insatiable thirst of the human soul for God and the infinitely more insatiable thirst of God for
man’s love and for souls. In this psalm wesee what Our Lady and the saints went through during their
earthly sojourn. Jesus, for example, told St. Teresa: “You did not die for souls your heart was never
drowned in sorrow as it was my Mother’s We both gave our all for souls…” (MGF p.10) Jesus
continued to say to St. Teresa that her vocation consisted in love and suffering: “Your vocation is to love
and sufferand save souls.” (MGF p. 11)
The sword of sorrow had to pierce the heart of Mary (Lk 2: 35), which came to its climax at the
foot of the Cross:“There stood” –Stabat Mater, the Mother of Jesus (cf. Jn 19: 25-27) Our Lady’s heart
was drowned in sorrow, pierced with a sword of sorrow.
Years later St. Teresa wrote many letters to some of her spiritual directors of her own fiery furnace
experience: “If you knew what I am going through. He is destroying everything in me…I want God with
all the power of my soul –and yet between us there is a terrible separation. I don’t pray any longer. I
utter words of community prayer…I have been on the vergeof saying ‘No’. It has been so very hard –
that terrible longing keeps growing and I feel as if something will break in me one day–and then that
darkness, that loneliness, that feeling of terrible loneliness. Heaven from every side is closed…and yet,
I long for God. I long to love Him with every drop of life in me. I want to love Him with a deep
personal love…” (from her letter to Fr. L.T. Picachy)
St. Teresa continued for many years with her fiery furnace experience, as she wrote: “As for me –
what will I tell you? Ihave nothing since I have not got Him whom my heart and soul longs to possess.
Aloness is so great – from within andwithout. I find no one to turn to…If there is hell – this must be one.
How terrible it is to be without God – no prayer – no faith– no love – the only thing that still remains
is the conviction that the work is His…And yet, Father, in spite of all these I want to be faithful to
Him – to spend myself for Him, to love Him not for what He gives, but for what He takes.” (from a letter
to Fr. Neuner S.J., 1965)
It is easier and even exciting for us to read and speak about other people’s dark night experiences
and enjoy in doing it,till the dark night, i.e. the night of the senses and the night of the spirit, hits us. It is
then that we have to go through their writings with an altogether different spirit and profit from it.
“According to St. John of the Cross”, writes Fr. Albert Huart S.J., “the chief signs for
distinguishing the night of theSpirit from psychological depression or spiritual sluggishness are:
“Trials bring us to the foot of the Cross, and the Cross to the gate of heaven.” (St. John M. Vianney)
Saints like St. Teresa, and every saint for that matter, went through the crucible of intense pain
and purification. The sufferings were twofold: on the one hand the souls literally pass through the fiery
furnace, but with an ardent longing and an insatiable thirst for God. They almost come to the verge of
despair, but then the overwhelming power of grace envelops them.The inner self is not only purified, but
even destroyed and remoulded in Jesus Christ, the perfect God-man.
“Let us pray that the Immaculate Heart of Our Queen and Mother be more and more our way to
Jesus, the light of Jesus, the love of Jesus and the life of Jesus in each one of us.” (see M.G.L. 9 August
1974) “It was at her pleading that the Society was born; let it be again at her pleading that the Society
gives saints to Mother Church” (see M.G.L. May 1990).
Happy and holy Society feast to all. Love and prayers.
God bless you
Fr. Sebastian Vazhakala M.C.
N.B. This letter is more or less the substance of the homily given by Fr. Sebastian M.C. on 21st August 2004,
at Via Casilina 222, Rome forthe Society Feast. As many sisters asked to have a copy of the homily, which I
did not have then I have tried to reconstruct it as far as it was possible.